It’s been over a month since Maribel and I
had visited a village or done any Promesa Peru activity, so last Friday with
our batteries recharged we decided to check out two of the villages we’d previously
been invited to.
Tùcume is both a large city and a district
in the Lambayeque Region. Within the district is about 25 caserios; all of them
classified as poor thus making their kinder and primary school students
eligible for free government food. In Tùcume there are mototaxi stations that
serve Payesa, Tùcume Viejo and other nearby caserios. I don’t know how the more
distant locations are accessed. Payesa is located about two miles from Tùcume.
By mototaxi it takes about twenty minutes because the road is mostly just a bumpy
dirt path. It gets a little smoother and wider as you enter the town.

Inside we found 31 students in overcrowded
conditions. Teacher Gloria Damian has been at the kinder for seven
years. She was very frank with us and voiced some frustration with general
conditions. There are few storage shelves so many things are piled in corners
on the floor. There is no whiteboard. The chairs and tables do not belong to
the school. She has been borrowing and returning chairs and tables for seven
years. She said that several years ago an NGO visited and promised to donate
furniture but they never returned. As we were leaving she asked if we could
help. We said we’d try.

From Payesa we returned to Tùcume and then
took a mototaxi to Tùcume Viejo (old Tùcume). It’s a larger town with a church,
small medical clinic and surprisingly large central park. There is a mixture of
new houses scattered among the old. It’s still small but has the appearance of
looking toward the future rather than the past.
We’d been invited to visit school I.E 10233
“Captain Jose Abelardo Quiñones Gonzales” by the director Andres Alcantara. He
is responsible for the operation of the primary school with 130 students, and
the secondary school with 160 students. They are located in separate buildings.
Many of the 290 students come from 10 different caserios, some walking as much
as one hour.
When visiting the different classrooms we
noticed the signs of poverty were less evident here than in Payesa. We didn’t
see any students without shoes, and most of them were in uniform. The school
was built 55 years ago and is showing its age but is still in serviceable
condition. The furniture is worn but it too is still serviceable.
Because the school is overcrowded a
‘temporary’ classroom was constructed for 5th grade students. It too
was crowded but seemed to be adequate. After some brief discussion the teacher
asked us if we’d like to hear a student recitation. When we replied that we
would, the boy and girl in this photo started talking with each other, but it
wasn’t really talking. It was a combination of talking and chanting, and in a
language I was not familiar with. I thought it might be Quechua, the language
of the Inca, but when they finished we were told they had spoken in Mochik. I
had assumed that language had died out a thousand years ago, but was told that
it was still being spoken by a handful of people in the village of Eten in
1920. In the last few years a body of Peruvian professionals has attempted to
‘rescue’ the language and it is slowly becoming part of school curriculum in
schools on the northern coast.

Since our visit on Friday Maribel and I
have done some investigating to determine prices for some of the items
For the primary school in Payesa:
Two whiteboards - $160
Two storage shelves - $65
Total - $225
For the kinder in Payesa:
Five tables and 31 chairs - $825*
Two storage shelves - $65
One whiteboard - $80
Total - $970
* If constructed by a local carpenter. Another option might be to have the
tables built but purchase 31 plastic chairs for $125. We will discuss this with
the director.
For the school in Tùcume Viejo:
Five 46 liter pots - $145.
One 48 liter pan - $31.
Four large skimmers - $15.
Eight large whiteboards - $640.
Total - $831
Smaller miscellaneous items asked for in the
three schools…balls, abacuses, tangrams and other educational material would be
about $100 total.