Friday, November 13, 2015

Emphasizing the link between home and school

The door on the right is the entrance to pronoei ‘Semillitas Kids’. It is different in two respects from any other pronoei we have visited. One, it is in the center of a large city, just two blocks from Monsefù’s central park. Secondly, it was not the kids but their parents who were to be the students at this learning session.

We were at the school today at the invitation of a team of psychology students from the University of Sipàn who have been working with the parents of children at this school since early September. As we understand it, there are indications of problems with child abuse. It was explained to us that Monsefù and the surrounding area has a ‘macho culture’ where men sometimes hit women and children. A university professor placed the students at this school. We don’t know how the professor was made aware of the problem or if the suspicions are even true.

Patricia Custodio (green blouse) has been teaching kids at this location for six years, and though her school is in the middle of a large city she has fewer resources than many desert village pronoeis. She had 18 kids this school term. Next March the school is moving to a different location on the outskirts of the city. Patricia anticipates 25 to 30 students at the new site. She will need to completely furnish the new classroom. She will phone us in March to visit and look at her situation.

We were invited to but didn’t stay for the training session. We weren’t sure how comfortable the parents would be with us in the room, or how comfortable we would be. So while the parents were learning about the psychology of violence we took a walk in the park.

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