At least 90% of the collisions I’ve seen involve a private car. Commercial drivers… taxi, mototaxi, colectivo, combi and trucks drive in pretty much the same rhythm and know what to expect from each other in the semi-controlled chaos that are Chiclayo streets. For example, Commercial drivers (and native pedestrians) know to look both ways when crossing a one way street. They know that the taxi or combi or mototaxi ahead of them will suddenly swerve left or right or come to a dead stop, because they do it themselves and are prepared to deal with it. Private car owners are on a different rhythm – slower, indecisive and much more cautious. And they do the unexpected, like slowing down before turning and not ‘shooting the gap’ between oncoming vehicles, and stopping on a yellow light. And so they get hit or hit somebody.
isn’t the only drawback. Parking is a bitch. There is no difference between
trying to find a parking spot in downtown Chicago or in Chiclayo. And unless
you have a private and secure place to keep your car, especially overnight but
also during daytime, chances are good that when you next visit your car you’ll
be missing your side view mirrors (a favorite ‘midnight auto sales’ item) and
whatever else the thieves were able to remove. There are parking garages
scattered throughout the city, but unless you know they’re there they are
difficult to recognize and are not convenient to get in or out of.
the cost of gas, which right now is on a par with USA gas prices. In Chiclayo for
$1.20 you can go to pretty much anywhere you want to go by taxi and even less
in a mototaxi, and you don’t have to drive in what always resembles a
demolition derby, or worry about a parking spot and if your car will be there in
whole or in part when you get back. That same $1.20 will get you to most
surrounding towns like Lambayeque and Pimentel, albeit in a combi, which is
sometimes not the most comfortable mode of transportation if it’s an older
there’s the expense of auto insurance which is mandatory, though most incidents
are minor and unless injuries are involved amount to nothing more that shouting
and exchanging insults with each other before driving off as if the whole thing
never happened.
the above, there are advantages to having your own car.
somewhere at night on a combi or collectivo is a pain because of limited hours,
and the often unsafe areas where they are boarded. Taxis are the only other
option, and at night they are both expensive and dangerous if the driver has a
second occupation as a thief. Secondly, a car is more convenient for long
trips, where the only public transportation is by bus and you have to travel on
their schedule….not yours. Peruvians have no trouble traveling on a bus from
Chiclayo to Lima (12 hours) or to Cajamarca (6 hours), but my restless leg
syndrome kicks in at about the 3 hour mark and if I can’t pull over and walk a
bit the remainder of the trip is torture.
think you may want to buy a car? Okay, let’s look at your options.
it’s a new car you’re thinking about there are a handful of new car dealers in
Chiclayo with modern facilities and showrooms. The Maquinarias dealership
offers Nissan and Renault. Other dealers
handle Honda, Toyota, JMC, Daewoo, Hyundai, Volkswagen and Suzuki. To my
knowledge the only General Motors brand available in northern Peru is
Chevrolet. The Chevy offerings from several dealers include the Sail ($11,500) and Spark ($8,000),
as well as a van and SUV. I don’t know the model names of the last two. A new
Chevy van at the Real Plaza Mall dealership has a sticker price of $10,500. I
have been told that almost all of the new cars sold in Peru are built/assembled
in Brazil or some other South American country.

you’re going to own a car you’ll also need to maintain it. New car dealers have
complete service facilities but are regarded as expensive, probably because
they’ve adopted the ‘replace’ philosophy of US car maintenance facilities.
Peruvians don’t like to ‘replace’ anything
unless it is absolutely necessary…they repair. An old radiator, brake shoe,
generator, window crank handle, shock absorber, etc isn’t replaced, it’s
repaired. It’s a marvel to me how these mechanics can keep 30, 40 and 50 year
old cars on the road. Their repairs won’t last forever but no matter – they’ll
repair it again and again until there is nothing left to repair, and then
they’ll come up with some other exotic solution.
shops come in many flavors ranging from a complete facility at a new car dealer
to somebody’s back yard. Jam Motors is one of the newer and more modern.
Several of their mechanics were wearing coveralls with “certified GM mechanic”
embroidered on the back. They were working on three Chevy Spark taxis parked on
the street when this photo was taken.
majority of auto repair shops in Chiclayo look like this one. Most of them have
been around for a long time and are trusted by locals. Their hours of operation
are iffy and they may not be able to accept your job immediately and it will
probably seem to take forever to get your car back, but the job will get done
and at a cost that will be laughably low.
is one remaining item ahead of you...and it’s a huge one. Three years ago the
then President Alan Garcia signed legislation making the attendance of a driver
training school mandatory to obtain a first-time driver license. There are
several “Escuela De Conductores” that will be happy to teach the rules of the road
during a three-month course at a cost of $785. When you’ve completed the course
your next stop is at the Department of Transportation where you will undergo a
physical examination and then be required to pass a written and road test. This
at an additional cost of $392. It’s hard for me to believe that this system is
enforced as stated…the average Peruvian would not be able to afford it, but
true or not there is probably a substantial amount of time, money and red-tape